About Us
Always in motion
At Kiso we are passionate in our work for a reason, our mission is:
To improve rehabilitation and sports training.
We embrace innovation and cooperation. Kiso strives to keep in close cooperation with researchers, active physiotherapists and interest organizations.

Our Story
Kiso Ehf is a company that was established in 2015 to buy the IP and trademarks of Kine Ehf, with the purpose of continuing to develop and market wireless sEMG and other technical solutions for use in rehabilitation and sports training.
The company draws on the expertise and experience from Kine and the founders of both companies are the same. Kiso will market its products under the Kine trade name.
The Kine wireless sEMG equipment has proven to be a valuable tool for diagnosing and treatment of problems connected with the human muscular-skeletal system. Rehabilitation specialists get a tool that enables them to enhance their performance and help their clients to a faster and longer lasting results.
Apart from a lot of valued customers in private practice, Kiso values its cooperation with researchers and interest organizations. To mention a few we have ongoing cooperation with AEF (Spanish association of physiotherapists), KNGF (Association of physiotherapists Netherlands) FIST (Icelandic associations of physiotherapists). Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Bordeaux, Reykjavik University, University of Iceland, Aspetar orthopaedic and sports medicine hospital Quatar, Grensás rehabilitation center.